10 Things to Learn About Your Home

Jan 24, 2017 | Pro Tips


Everyone can benefit from learning more about their home. From safety issues to saving money, there is a lot to know about managing a property. Here are ten things to help you know more about your property.

Locate the Main Water Shut-off Valve

The main water valve to your house controls the flow of water to the entire property. You would turn the water off if you were fixing a leaking or broken pipe, working on the water system in the house, worried about frozen pipes, or leaving for vacation.

Turning off the main water shut-off valve is easy once you have located it. Usually located in the basement, the main water line enters the home after leaving the water main on your street. If you have a well, the main water shut-off valve should still be leading into the basement. In the South, most shut-off valves are located in the crawl spaces beneath your home or have secondary valves that have been installed in the home.

Secondary Water Valves for Faucet, Toilet, and Shower

After the main water valve, there are secondary valves for most major water appliances. Secondary valves can be located at faucets, toilets, and showers; however, they are usually not exposed for tubs and showers. Look underneath your vanity or behind your toilet to find the shut-off valves in case you need to stop the water flow in an emergency. Is the toilet bowl about to overflow and you don’t know how to stop it? Then cut off the water at the source and close the secondary water valve located at the base of the commode.

Tip: Check all secondary shut-off valves for corrosion once a year. Make sure the valves are functional and test to see if the valve completely stops the flow of water.

Turn Down the Water Heater Before Leaving on Vacation

When leaving your home for an extended period of time it is a wise decision to turn down your hot water heater. The water heater (either gas, oil, or electric) produces the warm water you receive at the tap. Lowering the thermostat temperature at your water heater is a good way to lower energy costs while you are out of town.

In addition to turning down the water heater, you should also close the main water valve. This can help lower monthly bills and prevent any flooding if a pipe were to burst while you were away. This is a major step to take when winterizing a house in colder climates.

Electric Avenue – Understanding the Breaker Box

Have you ever had the lights on one side of the house go out? Or when you plug in all of your appliances, the power to the outlet is gone? This common occurrence happens when your home “trips” a breaker (basically disrupting the flow of electricity). This is essentially a preventative feature that is built into your homes electrical system. So before an overloaded circuit trips a breaker, locate the main electrical panel. You are looking for a switch that is out of line with the others. Then just flip the switch to the off position, and then back on (in line with the rest of the breakers).

Don’t Trust Breaker Panel Labels

Electrical wiring can instill the greatest fear in ‘do-it-yourselfers’. The smartest and safest thing you can do to prepare your home for anything electrical is to map your service panel. At the end of the day, if there is a major electrical problem, do yourself a favor and call an electrician.

Tip: Always use a voltage detector to make sure the power is off before you do any electrical work. Otherwise, it could be a shocking experience.

*Note: Alpha discourages our tenants from mapping the breaker box. Instead, please call our maintenance department before attempting any major electrical work.

Fire Extinguishers

It is advised that you have multiple fire extinguishers in the home and keep one in the kitchen at all times. Locate your fire extinguishers and make sure they are up-to-date. To check if an extinguisher needs to be serviced, locate the pressure gauge. If the needle is in the green area, it’s functional. If it falls anywhere else, the extinguisher is unreliable and should be serviced or replaced. For an older model without a gauge, have it checked by a professional.

Tip: Help keep all other occupants safe by showing where to locate all fire extinguishers in the home. Learn how to use a fire extinguisher by visiting the United States Department of Labor website.

Changing Air Filters

Changing furnace and return air filters is a critical action step in caring for your HVAC system and your home’s air quality. With some systems, monthly filter changes are best.
Tip: Next time you purchase air filters, buy in bulk to save money. Then label them with each month of the year so you know when to change them.

Flushing Without Power

Did you know you can flush the toilet without electricity? By pouring a bucket of water into your toilet the water pressure flushes the system in the same way that a regular flush does.

Tip: Prepare for storms or power outages by filling your bathtub with water. Without power, most homes cannot draw water for drinking, cooking, cleaning and flushing.

Locate Property Lines

Many battles have been fought over property lines. To prevent a dust-up, locate and mark your property lines. Use this as a chance to greet your neighbors and introduce yourself. Sometimes a personal relationship can prevent a disagreement in the future.

Tip: After moving in, take the opportunity to greet your neighbors, introduce yourself and review the property lines.

Synthetic Soap Leaves Less “Soap Scum”

While this may not be the most important item on the list, it’s still valuable to know that synthetic soap causes less scum than a more natural soap.

Tip: If you have problems with soap scum accumulation, turn to a synthetic alternative.

We hope these home maintenance tips help you to be a better homeowner or tenant. Are there any special tips you have to share? If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to comment below.